Alex 5th January 2016

I’ve had the real privilege of working closely with Dale over the years. For me Dale was and will always be the teacher, I think he set out to be. Dale's capability to make people feel at ease in any situation while imparting really great information, lifted all the people he worked with. His infectious enthusiasm for every subject that he touched genuinely inspired both vision and excitement at work. For Dale there was never a dud project but always a new opportunity to be explored! In a meeting Dale’s inner teacher really shined, his control of a ‘class’ is legendary. From his quick witted one liners, to picking out random people in a meeting who looked as though they weren’t paying attention and nominating them as the mathematician of the session ….Dale always held court in front of an audience. I could always be assured that whenever Dale was presenting the audience would love it. I still have fond memories of constructing 100’s of boxes as ‘packets’ that intentionally resulted in some poor unsuspecting graduate dressed in a plastic poncho being overwhelmed and eventually collapsing under the weight of cardboard. This I believe is still the best way to demonstrate the superiority of the cable network! I don’t think you will ever truly leave the people that your energy and enthusiasm touched. I will always miss one of the finest educators, friends and guiding lights of our industry. Alex