Comparing Feet with the CEO in a Pub Car Park

Created by Ade 8 years ago
One of my fondest and most surreal memories of Dale was when he invited Neil Berkett down to Woolhampton to show him the overhead FTTH trial on a bright sunny day in 2010.
It wasn't long after Dale's bunion operation and he was still hobbling about with his foot exposed (you can see him in action in the video links).
We met Neil in the Angel Pub car park and immediately Dale and his foot were (obviously!) the main topic of conversation and as it turned out, was something they both shared in common.
Upon hearing that Neil had also had the same operation Dale inquired about his healing experience and any scarring, at this point Neil took off his shoes and socks and started showing us his feet!
I remember standing there thinking that only Dale with all of his wit and charm could make someone as important as the CEO feel comfortable enough to show us his bare feet in the middle of a pub car park!!